Monday, August 31, 2015

Photos from Buenos Aires

Matias (age 8) is baptized by his uncle

Isaac with Elder Bahena

Elder Burton performs the baptism for Lutmila (age 9)

Zone Conference

Email August 31, 2015

Email August 31, 2015 – Elder Isaac K. Burton
1st Zone Conference and Stake Conference

We had zone conference this week which was really cool. I really liked it because we basically just get taught by the president and his assistents. Our President is super knowledgeable about the gospel because he was a gospel principles teacher or something like that at BYUI for like 30 years. So he really knows his stuff. It´s really fun to be taught by him because you learn a lot, even if you can´t understand what he´s saying cause it´s all in spanish. The topic of the zone conference was the Atonement. We were asked to come to the zone conference having read and studied that week about the atonement and to have written 5 sentences about what we learned. That was really hard becasue the atonement is so deep and there so much to say about it. But it was really good to be able to write about it in 5 sentences cause it forced us to think simply and to look for the most important aspects for us. Thats what will help us teach others about the atonement more effectivly. Simplicity is key or else the investigator will just be lost. Thats something that I need to work on a lot especially since I have a limited vocabulary to teach with. I would have put my 5 sentences in this email but i didn´t bring them with me, sorry about that. Basically though the atonement redeemed us from the fall of adam and made it so that all of us no matter what we do in this life can be resurected. I think it´s important to remember that Christ didn´t take away our personal responsibility when he suffered for our sins. What he did was made it so that we wouldnt be accoutable for Adams transgression. He made it so that we are all accountable for our own deeds in this life. And he provided us a way to repent when we did sin. If we dont´t repent and keep christs commandments then we are not using his atonement. It´s so important that we use it every chance we get because thats what he wants and thats what brings us closer to him. We can use it in every part of our lives. It really is so incredible. 

Email August 31, 2015

Email August 31, 2015 – Elder Kenneth Wm. Burton

Bunch of Burtons

Okay so, I'm currently on splits in Holbæk, my old area! I'll be here for the next few days until I can pick up my new companion and take him back to Horsens. I found out on Thursday that I'll be training a new Elder for the next few month's. So that's exciting! I'll be staying in Horsens as the district leader as well. Wich is also exciting, our district just got two more Elders so now we have a district of ten, six Elders, four sisters. Normally a district has six total, so we have quite a few here. One of my old companions, Elder Sakurada will be coming to open a new area in Aarhus, so it will be fun to see him again. One problem is though I have a guest account on this computer so I don't have very much time to write. I'll just quickly go through the week.

Well I guess I could first let you know that about an hour and a half ago we were involved in a car accident. Holbæk has a car.... and we were driving here to the library to email and a woman came out of a store parking lot and didn't see us. She started pulling out right in front of us so my companion who was driving braked and swerved but then she rammed into the side door right where I was sitting. I'm okay though, luckily she wasn't driving very fast. My arm is slightly bruised, but that's about it. It was scary, that´s for sure. We can't open the passenger side door any more.... so the car took some damage, it still drives though. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Photos from Denmark

Ken with Mike (an investigator he worked with in Holbaek that is preparing for baptism in the next few weeks)

Catching crabs with hotdogs

Monday, August 24, 2015

Email August 24, 2015

Email August 24, 2015 – Elder Isaac K. Burton
Semana 2 en Argentina!!

We had 2 baptisms this last saturday! First baptisms of my misson and it was super aweome! One was for a boy named Matias who is 8 years old. He has an uncle who lives with him that is a member, he´s a preist in our ward. It´s his uncle who baptised him which was cool. Matias is aweome, he´s just got tons of energy and loves to have fun. I still can't understand most of what he says so he spends most of his time with  me teaching me new spanish words one syllable at a time haha. It´s pretty funny. Also him adn his younger sisters love to play rock paper scissors with me which is fun too, we do that a lot. Matias´s grandma just decided that she would start taking the lessons from us though, we´re excited about that. Hopefuly someday the whole family will be interested. The other baptism was for a girt named Lutmila who is 9 years old. She has a few members of her family who are members but no preisthood holders so I was able to baptise her which was an aweome expeirience! It felt way different than doing baptisms for the dead but at the same time it was the same. I really enjoyed it and I could tell Lutmila was super happy. It was neat. It definitly makes me want to find more people to teach so that we can bring them to be baptised. IT really is a wonderful covenant that we make. We promise to remember God and obey him and in return he promises to allways be with us. Thats quite a blessing to always have him with us. I love having that knowledge.

Photos from Horsens

Some pictures a member took of us at their home the other day....They said to say hi and thank you for letting us come serve them here in Denmark.

Email August 24, 2015

Email August 24, 2015 – Elder Kenneth Wm. Burton

Bunch of Burtons

Okay, quick report on my wrist. Turns out the reason they called me back in was because the photos were kind of fuzzy and it looked as if one of the bones was jotting out in a way that it shouldn't. They took a new picture and it all looks fine. It feels a bit better as well.... I tried wringing out a cloth this morning though and there's just no strength in the wrist. I still where the brace whenever I know I'll be using my wrist a lot, but two doctors have told me now not to have it on too much or else it will begin to get stiff.

Speaking of wrists... Sister Perkins in our district just broke her wrist a few days ago, well more her thumb near the wrist falling off her bike... I'm glad I don't need an actual cast, her's is so bulky she can barley use her hand for anything. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Photos from Argentina

Email August 17, 2015 - Ike

Email August 17, 2015 – Elder Isaac Burton
Hola Argentina!!!

So I guess I´ll just start at the beginning. We left the mtc on monday morning. We took the front runner the the <salt lake airport where we got to call family which was super nice. The people in Utah are so good to missionaries, a radom guy bought me and one of my companions Cafe Rio which totally made our day. From Salt lake we flew to Atlanta where we were delayed in landing because of a storm, luckily we were able to land though. But ooce we landed we found out that our flight was delayed and hour to 11:00pm. Then a bit later to 2:00am and then eventually to 7:30am the next morning. SO we had the awesome advinture of being able to spend the nght at the airpot because of the 10 hour layerover! And it was aweome! there was no wher to sleep really so we only got like two hours of sleep. We just kinda hng out and ate lots of food because the airline gave us all these free food vouchers to use anywhere at the airport. So we all went and got like $30 worth of food each from mckdnalds for breakfast haha. Not the best meal to have vefore a 10 hour plane ride but it was fun. Finally we got on the plane durning which we all slept practically the whole time. So that was our fun travel experience. Just ate and talked and slept pretty much.  When we landed we all met up with missionaries from our missions except there werent any missionaries from my mission. <just this guy with a peirced eyebrow and ears who said he was gonna take us to our presidents house. It seemed a little sketchy to me but we didnt have anything else to do so me and the three other guys going to my mission went with him. We got is this drove off into the city. There was one point during the drive when I pulled out my camera to take pictures of the city but then the driver turned around and told us to put our cameras away cause we would get shot if someone outside saw yeah that kinda scared us a little. We told our mission mom about that and she said the guy wasn´t joking and theat we should hardly ever use are cameras while in argentina. She said we´d probably get robbed if anyone saw them. So thats why I´m not sending to many pictures, sorry mom. I did get some still though, theyre just with members and my companions though. 

Email August 17, 2015 - Ken

Email August 17, 2015 – Elder Kenneth William Burton

Bunch of Burtons

Well I got an x-ray on my wrist and found out its not broken. But about two minutes ago the hospital called and said they found something else in the scan that they want to investigate a little more.... so I guess we'll find out. It feels a lot better than it did. It only causes problems now if I put a lot of weight on it. But its not broken so that's good!

Hjarnø is becoming a great place for missionary work. Its a little island in the Horsens fjord where we decided a few weeks ago we could do some finding. A few weeks ago we found a man named Jens, I believe I told his story, he's the one we started out by serving and then I ripped my pants. Well last week we were out there again to visit him and as we were walking to his home a van pulled over with a bunch of teenage boys in the back. The driver rolls down the window smiling and waves us over. I immediately recognized him but couldn't remember where from. He mentioned he was working there on the island at a school and we could stop by later to come and talk with him. Then he drove off, and we were standing there still confused trying to figure out where I knew him from. Elder Porter had never met him. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Photos from Argentina

Elder Burton arrived safely in Buenos Aries on August 11th after an over 9 hour delayed flight. From the left: President & Sister Thurgood, Elder Burton, Elder Bahena (Ike's trainer)

Welcome Elder Burton to Argentina!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Photos from Horsens

Email August 10, 2015

Email August 10, 2015 – Elder Kenneth Wm. Burton

Bunch of Burtons

Okay, I'll start out with the bad'ish news and go on from there. I fell off my bike and may have broken my wrist. Not a bad break or anything. It feels the same as it did when I had a micro fracture in my wrist senior year from wrestling. Its the same wrist too.

So here's the story. We were biking out somewhere and were heading up a long hill. All of a sudden my gears slip and next thing I know I'm on the the ground. A pretty solid fall. I caught myself perfectly, although that's probably the problem. I also destroyed my pants. Somehow they ripped down the front of the thigh. So that was on Thursday. Saturday morning I decided I should probably have it looked at so we went to the hospital because all the other doctors offices are closed on the weekend. The doctor there was no help at all. He played with my wrist for a minute, poking at it, bending it. And its sore, but nothing bad. It mainly feels really shaky and weak. So he gives me some weird look and tells me he doesn't think its broken, but if I want to I can buy a brace for it. I thought he would at least x-ray it or something. He said because I wasn't in extreme pain and it wasn't swollen at all, it must not be broken. Last time I went a whole month on it before I finally found out it was fractured, it wasn't swollen at all, and didn't hurt too badly. And even if it is just sprained, the reason I came to the hospital was to find out for sure. To figure out what really was wrong not just to get an opinion. I already knew I needed a brace. I just wanted to know exactly was wrong. Ah well. I ended up buying a brace, and it feels a tone better while its on. I'm planning on going to see my actual doctor in a week or two if its still feeling the same.

So that's exciting'ish news..... Sorry mom, I'll be more careful. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Email August 8, 2015

Email August 8, 2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
Last week in the MTC!

On Tuesday night we had the great opportunity to have President Nelson of the quorum of the twelve come and speak to us! IT was way awesome! We had been hoping that an apostle would speak to us before we left and it finally happened!  He spoke about becoming epistles of the lord. An Epistle we found out is a formal document or writing. So I think its pretty cool that christ wants us to become living epistles. When we become epistles the words of god and the truth of this gospel are engraved into our hearts and our bone marrow. When that happens then everyone that we come into contact with will be able to feel and know that we are servants of the lord. IT was a wa good talk and I'm super grateful for the opportunity we had to be able to hear from him. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Email August 3, 2015

Email August 3, 2015 – Elder Kenneth William Burton

Bunch of Burtons

We spent at least an hour each day this last week with our friend Rafael who actually lives two floors under us in our apartment building. He filmed us doing different types of missionary work surrounded around "helping" that's kind of the topic of this documentary he's making "help". He wants to depict us in a way that shows the help and service we do for others and why. It should turn out well. He wrote some great background music that Elder Porter plays on the piano, and I'll be sort of the one speaking throughout it.

On Thursday we biked out and hour and a half to a member who recently moved back into the area, and we spent a few hours helping them with the yard and then they made us a great dinner after. Typical danish meal, potatoes, pork, sauce. I love it! Its amazing how much grease and cream adds. Oh and butter! Butter is great.  Its a good thing on our own Elder Porter and I are trying to eat healthy. We have a pretty good diet plan we're sticking to, with the exception of eating appointments and the weekly Kebab. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Email August 1, 2015

Email August 1, 2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
Got travel plans!!!

Hey Everyone!
      We got our travel plans yesterday!! So we head for the airport at 8:30am on august 10th! At 1:50pm we get on a plane that will take us to the Atlanta Georgia airport. We'll land there at about 7:45 pm. We have about a two hour layover and then we get on a plane that leaves at 10:00 pm and flies through the night to Buenos Aires Argentina!! We'll arrive in Buenos aires at about 9:10am Argentina time, which is three hours ahead of time here in utah. Our Mission president will meet us at the airport and then we're off to work I guess. I can't wait!! Geting travel plans makes me super excited and makes it finally feel real that I;m actually going to Argentina. It's gonna be awesome.