Sunday, April 28, 2019

Email April 28, 2019

Email April 28, 2019 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton

Hey Everyone!
                  This week was great! We had a lot of miracles and fun experiences this week. We were able to meet with a college student named Uehara twice this week, it was great. At first he told us that although he likes the activities we have, he's not really interested in our message, so we told him that's ok, of course he can still come to activities and be our friend. But then we testified about how important the message is and how it can help you find purpose in life, and he said he actually did have some interest in the purpose of life. So we introduced the Plan of Salvation, and he said we could meet again to teach the whole thing. So we did and my companion asked some good questions and as he thought about it he realized how important it was. He said since it's such a good message he'd be scared if it wasn't true, but if it's true he'd better follow it. So he agreed to keep meeting and do what it takes to find out for himself if it's true. It was one of the best lessons I've ever been in. It was so cool to see them effect of the truth and the Spirit and see his heart change. And I know this gospel is true and I'm so grateful for that. I don't know what my life would be like without the hope and direction that comes from the gospel.

                  Some other exciting news this week is that Fujii Shimai, who I taught when I was in Shiroishi, got baptized on Saturday! I'm so happy for her! She was so prepared and she'll be a great member. I'm excited for Shiroishi Ward as well, hopefully it will be the first of many baptisms there this year. Also, we got to go to Obihiro to do a baptismal interview for someone getting baptized there, and he also got baptized on Saturday! So this was a good week for the mission. To do the interview my companion and I took a three hour train ride to Obihiro, did the interview and had lunch, and took a three hour train ride back to Kushiro. It was long but luckily the scenery was cool, the train went along the ocean for a bit and we got to see some cool beaches and waves, as well as some rare cranes         that only live in Hokkaido. Speaking of wildlife, we also came across a deer as we were biking through a neighborhood, and we were able to get within 20ish feet of it. It's been a while since I've seen a deer that close, it was fun. We also saw some more cool sunsets this week as well. That's about all for this week, it was amazing, I feel very blessed to be serving here in Kushiro! I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Burton

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