Monday, September 17, 2018

September 17, 2018

Hey Everyone!
This week was awesome! On Wednesday we had interviews with President and Sister McClure which was awesome! I love them so much and I'm so grateful to be serving in their mission. On Thursday night at 10:15 we got a call from the Assistants saying there was a service opportunity down in Mukawa, a place that was hit pretty hard by the earthquake. So we had to get up at 5:00 and bike to Honbu and then drive with a couple of temple missionaries about two hours down to Mukawa. Then we helped people clear things out of their houses that had fallen during the earthquake. It was awesome! We got to interact with a lot of people and share about what missionaries do. One guy, who's from Tokyo area, flew here just to do service, without even planning transportation or lodging. He had a backpack with a sleeping bag and stuff and he was just planning on sleeping under the stars in a park. How cool is that! Because he had no transportation we gave him a ride to where he was going after the service ended, and talked with him about the restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon, he seemed really interested! I really hope he goes to church  when he gets home, he's a really nice guy. Elder Yamashita from the area presidency also showed up while we were working which was kind of cool. He's a really great man, it was fun to see him in that kind of setting. 
That night we had a lesson over video chat with Yuu Kun, and we gave him a baptismal date! It's October 6, I'm so excited for him! He seems pretty excited to be baptized which is great! Please pray for him! After that, on Saturday we went to Mukawa and did service again. And then today we had a big family history fair in Sapporo! I got to be part of a group of missionaries that sang to start off, and then there were speakers and an Ainu performance which was way cool. The Ainu are the native people who lived in Hokkaido before the Japanese settled it, kind of like Native Americans but in Japan. After that performance they had some booths that people could go around to and learn about Family Search and other things, it was great! And Yuu Kun came too which was awesome! He was able to build some good relationships with members which is so important! So in all this week was awesome! I've also been learning a lot from the Book of Mormon recently, I love 2 Nephi chapter 4, if you're ever discouraged because you feel like you're not good enough, read 2 Nephi 4! It's so motivating! Even Nephi felt down about his personal weaknesses and sins, but he trusted in God and was able to rejoice! I know we can as well if we put our trust in God continually. I love you all! Have a great week! Thanks for all the support and prayers!

Elder Burton 

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