Sunday, October 14, 2018

Email October 14, 2018

Email October 14, 2018

Hey Everyone!
                  This week was awesome and crazy! We had transfers, and after 4 transfers, or about 6 months in Ebetsu, I'm finally gone! I'm gonna miss it so much, I'll never forget all the memories and the friends I made there. I also grew so much during those 6 months. But I'm now in Shiroishi! It's a part of Sapporo, so I'm in the big city now haha. There's so many people! This area was closed last transfer so my companion and I are reopening it, meaning neither of us know anything about the area, which is actually really fun, it gives us kind of a clean slate to work with. My companion is Elder Minegishi, he's from Okinawa and he's awesome! He has a lot of energy and excitement, and it's funny because the stereotype is that Japanese missionaries are a little more reserved, while the American ones are really outgoing, but in our companionship it's kind of the opposite. I've had a Japanese missionary tell me I have a Japanese-like personality and I heard someone tell Elder Minegishi he acts like an American so it's pretty fun. I'm really glad to have a Japanese companion again, and he's an awesome missionary, he works really hard and is way good at talking to people. I know we're going to see a lot of miracles this transfer.

                  We also got to see general conference this weekend, it was amazing! One of my favorite talks was the one  by Elder Rasband about fear. I'm still working every day on overcoming fear so it was an awesome talk. I love how he said our desire to always have the Spirit to be with us will push fear aside, and if our hearts our filled with love there is no room for fear. If we love the people and God with all our hearts, we will desire to help them with all our hearts. The best way to help them is through following the Spirit and we can't do that if we're afraid. I want to fill my heart with love and a desire to always follow the Spirit so I can help those I love, and through that desire cast all fear from my heart! I know I'll be a lot better missionary if I do this. I hope everyone else got some great inspiration from conference! Act on the prompting you receive and they will change your life and the lives of those around you! The words of those who spoke at conference are truly the words of God! I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Burton

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