Sunday, November 4, 2018

Email November 4, 2018

Email November 4, 2018 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton

Hey Everyone!
                  This week was great! We had zone conference on Friday which was amazing! One of the big things I got from it was how important it is to have a vision. If you don't have a vision, it doesn't matter how hard you work, you won't get anywhere because you don't have a destination. A vision gives us something to strive for and motivates us to push through obstacles. I also learned how important it is to do the work the Lord's way, even if it seems inconvenient, ineffective, or scary. It will always go better in the end if you do it His way.
                  On Saturday we took one of the people we're teaching to a tour of the temple run by the Sapporo West stake and it went really well. Then the next day she also came to stake conference which was awesome. Before it started my companion told her that if she paid attention, she could find answers to her questions from the talks given. And then the talks all seemed to answer her questions, it was such a miracle! Between the temple tour and stake conference, I think her heart has really been softened and I think we'll be able to set a baptismal date this week. Also at stake conference, a member of our ward who was baptized last year, as well as a member from Eniwa, my first area, received the Melchizedek Priesthood! It's really cool to see people not just get baptized but continue to progress and receive even more of the blessings God has promised them if they remain faithful. Stake conference was also great because Elder Yamashita of the Seventy came, his talk was great, and he also had an interview with another person we're teaching. His name is Kawamura San and he's been coming to church every week for months but hasn't been baptized. But it sounds like the interview helped him a lot so hopefully he'll be ready to make that step soon. Going to church and reading the scriptures is so important, and God is pleased when His children do that. But God wants to give us so much more than just happiness in this life, He wants to grant us eternal life, and in order to receive that we must be baptized and make that covenant with God to follow Him always. I know that the hope of eternal life is real and I want all of God's children to be able to receive it. I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Burton

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