Sunday, December 17, 2017

Email December 17, 2017

Email December 17, 2017 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton
Zone Conference!

Hey everyone!
      This was such a great week! We started off with zone conference, and it was amazing! We talked about becoming consecrated missionaries, having passion for everything we do, and setting and keeping to goals, along with a bunch of other stuff. And it was so motivating! The rest of the week my companion and I got a ton of Book of Mormons passed out, and we made some awesome long term goals for our area that got us super excited. We also had a ward Christmas party on Saturday, and it was awesome! A ton of members showed up, including some less actives, and some investigators came too! The missionaries performed a skit, it was awesome. I can't figure out how to send it, but it was a day in the life of a missionary, with one companionship of elders as the faces, with their hands as the feet, me and my companion as the arms, and the sisters as the voices. It was pretty funny. We also taught an investigator named Kimura and it went so well! We've been trying to meet with him all transfer because he's so busy with work, but it was worth it the wait. It was my first real lesson with an investigator. He said he would read the Book of Mormon and pray every day, and I think we might be able to set up a baptismal date next time see meet. In other news, I just said goodbye to my companion Elder Hess. He's going home tomorrow so I'm in a sannin (three missionaries) until Thursday when transfers happen. Elder Hess was an awesome missionary and trainer, I'm gonna miss him a lot, but I'm excited to work with someone new. This first transfer has been awesome, and the next one is gonna be even better!
      I just want to talk a little about prayer before I end. One of the most important things for investigators to do is pray, if they don't do that, they don't progress. That's be cause if you really want to know if this church is true, you have to ask. And the same applies to any thing else in life. Isn't it amazing that the most powerful being in the universe wants to hear from us? It almost seems to good to be true, but it is true. He is our father, and he loves us each individually, and wants us to speak with him. I know that whatever questions you have, whatever trials you're going through, God will help you if you just ask. He is there, and He is listening. We just need to trust him. I love you all! Have a great week! Merry Christmas!


Elder Burton

This is a picture of me and my companion. He was Santa at the ward Christmas party.

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