Sunday, January 6, 2019

Email January 6, 2019

Email January 6, 2018 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton

Hey Everyone!
            This week was crazy! On Wednesday morning I got a call saying I'm becoming a trainer! My new companion is Elder Lalo from the Philippines! He's only the second Philippine elder to come to this mission. He's so awesome! He has great love for the Lord and the gospel and he learns really quickly. He already speaks both Tagalog and English and now he's learning Japanese and he's really good for having just started a few months ago. He's also a really good sport when it comes to the cold and snow, he doesn't complain at all even though he's from a place where it's hot year round. He said he actually fasted to be called to somewhere safe, clean, and cold. Hokkaido is literally the best fit in the world, God really does answer prayers. What's funny is I predicted becoming his companion a few months ago. After he got his call he looked up the Japan Sapporo Mission on Facebook and friended a bunch of the missionaries. When I got his friend request and saw that he was going to be coming to the mission in a couple months I thought that maybe I would be his trainer, and I'm so glad it actually happened!

            In other news this week, on New Year's morning we woke up really early and went to Moiwa mountain to watch the first sunrise of the year. It was cloudy so we couldn't actually see it but it was still way fun. We also had some great meals with members, and we got a referral from another ward for an awesome family that lives in our area! The dad has ALS(the disease Stephen Hawking had), so he can barely move and can't talk, but he can communicate with his wife through blinking. Watching her translate his blinking into sentences is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. They're also both fluent in English, they lived in America for years. He went to Idaho State University and thought it was cool that I live by Weber State because apparently they're rivals. They also have three awesome kids who are super well-behaved which is probably a super big help to their parents considering their circumstances. Their family is an example of when a tough trial actually brings everyone closer and strengthens relationships. I'm really excited to meet them again and start teaching the gospel! Teaching a family is an opportunity I've been praying for my whole mission, I've had small opportunities but I'm really excited for this one. I know as we follow the Spirit we'll be able to help them come unto Christ through baptism.
            One last thing, on Sunday we had a returning member come to church! And he's committed to come next week too! He's a also a Melchizedek Priesthood holder which this ward needs more of, so that's also a miracle. And the members are really helping him come back, on Wednesday we're going to visit with a few of them. It's really cool to see someone overcome their challenges and come back unto Christ. I know he and his family will be greatly blessed as they continue to come to church and participate in serving God's children. I know this is God's true church and it is the path to true happiness! Never be afraid to reach out to those around you and help them find that truth! I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Burton

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