Sunday, March 31, 2019

Email March 31, 2019

Email March 31, 2019 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton

Hey Everyone!
                  This week was crazy! I got my transfer call on Wednesday night, and on Thursday morning, I got on the bus to Kushiro! So I'm in Kushiro now, it's about a 5 hour bus ride from Sapporo, and it's almost the easternmost area in Japan. The congregation here is a branch, but it's a pretty strong branch by Hokkaido standards, it's got almost as many members as my last ward and there's a good amount of young people which is fun. My new companion is Elder West! He's from Oregon and he came to the mission at the same as me. I've gone on exchanges with him before so I'm excited for the chance to be companions with him. I was little sad to be transferring because there are a couple people getting baptized soon in Shiroishi and I wanted to see their baptisms, but I've been very blessed because we had a baptism in Kushiro on Saturday! I didn't teach him at all but it was still fun to be a part of it. I got to help plan the baptism and get to know Tamura Kyoudai, the one who got baptized, it was great. His brother is actually a member in Hakodate, which is one of my past areas, and he came to baptize his brother so it was fun to see him again. We also have a couple of other people here with baptismal dates so we're pretty busy.

                  Before I left Shiroishi we had family home evening at the McClure's, we were able to bring two people we were teaching and we helped with the musical number, it was great. Fujii San, who has a baptismal date there, is still progressing well so I'm excited to see all the pictures from her baptism in a couple weeks. Elder Lalo and I also went and looked at some cool stuff around Odori Park on P-day since it was our last P-day together, I'll send some pictures. There was a clock tower and an old government building with some museums that were pretty interesting. It was sad saying goodbye to Elder Lalo, he was such an awesome bean, but he's gonna do awesome with his next companion too, I'm excited for him. And I'm excited for this next transfer in Kushiro, I can already tell there's going to be tons of miracles! Also, I hope everyone is getting excited for general conference next week! We get the incredible opportunity to hear from a prophet of God! I know that President Nelson and the apostles are God's chosen servants and of we follow their counsel we will find peace and happiness, as well as solutions to challenges and questions we have. I'd like to encourage all of you to watch or listen to general conference, and to listen with a question or a concern you want an answer to. If you do this, and if you pray beforehand to be able to find an answer, I promise that the answer will come from conference. And if you follow whatever answer you receive, you'll come to know for yourself that it is what God wants you to do. Good luck! I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Burton

PS: Next week is zone conference so I might not be able to email until Thursday.

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