Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019

Email March 6, 2019 – Elder Jackson Kunzler Burton

Hey Everyone!
                  Today was temple P-day, that's why this is a little late, but as usual the temple was amazing! We also had interviews with President McClure which was great. Tomorrow we have zone conference which I'm really excited about.
                  Watanabe San did come to church on Sunday which was great but he still hasn't stopped smoking yet so he's not going to make his baptismal date this Saturday. But he's still doing well, he has a desire to follow God, he just has to take that leap of faith and stop smoking. Hopefully it will happen next week. He's been able to build good relationships with members which is really good, once he gets baptized that'll help him feel more at home in the church.

                  We were also able to meet with the Yamada family again. We found out right before we met with them that Yohei, the dad, knew the bishop of our ward and his family 30 years ago when he went to a different ward as a kid. So that was a cool connection, we're going to visit with them and hopefully it will help soften his heart. At the lesson, the mom Satsuki and the 9 year old Aoi listened and seemed very interested, but Satsuki said that Yohei is somewhat opposed to his family joining the church, but will let them make their own decisions. So they said it's ok for us to continue teaching them which was great! The mom and daughter are really prepared so hopefully we'll be able to set a baptismal date soon.
                  As a mission we're doing a 50 day fast, where we pray about and write a list of all the things we want stop doing in order to have the Spirit with us more, and then for 50 days we fast from those things; we stop doing them. We started it only a few days ago but I've already felt a big difference just from noticing and striving not to do those little things like being sarcastic to my companion or thinking negative thoughts. Striving to stop those things can have a big impact, and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost more constantly present. It's through the power of the Holy Ghost that I know this church is true and it's through that same power that those around us can feel it too, so having the Holy Ghost with us is so important. I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Burton

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