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Happy 19th Birthday Elder Burton!! November 28th 2015! |
Monday, November 30, 2015
Email November 30, 2015
Email November 30,
2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
Dia de Gracias!
Antoher great week here in argentina! A little disapointing too
though, we were suppused to have a baptism for Maria on saturday but on tuesday
she had an accident at work and got a hernia. So she was in the hospital for
most of the week and now she´s with her daughter in Capital. So obviosly we
weren´t able to do the baptism wich was sad. We still don´t really know too
much about when she´s going to be back in the area. Hopefully this week and
then be able to do the baptism soon too. We´ll see what happens.
This last wednesday we had a great lesson with Lucas, his two
daughter who are 10 and 13 years old are now taking the lessons too which is
great. We commited them to be baptised and they all accepted. Lucas needs to
get married to his wife first though, and he told us that he wants to get
married on his brthday which isn´t until the end of march. So he would have to
wait until april to get baptised. We´re going to have a lesson with him this
week and try to help him want to get married and baptised sooner. It´s best not
to put things like that off, you never know what can happen in 4 months. They
also all committed to come to church as an entire family which we were super
excited about, but then sunday rolled around and to our disapointment they
didn´t show up.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Email November 23, 2015
Email November 23.
2015 – Isaac Kenneth Burton
Capilla abierta
I don´t know if any
of you remember, but when I first got to this area me and my comp began
teaching a man named Lucas. He has cancer super bad, and he was loving the
lessons we were teaching him. We had a baptisimal date for him and everything.
Then suddenly we couldn´t get ahold of him or find him for the longest time so
we had to drop him as an investigator which was super sad. Last sunday during
Elders quarumn, we did divisions to visit some less active families. The family
we went to visit wasn´t home so I suggested that we stop by the house of Lucas
to see if he was home. He had been on my mind lately. So that´s what we did and
he was home! He came out and talked to us and said he would like to start
taking the lessons again! So this week we had a lesson with him where we gave
him a blessing of health and taught about the atonement. We found out that he
had still been reading in the book of mormon for those three months that we
didn´t teach him. When he coul´nt sleep because of his cancer he would read the
Book of Mormon and it would help with the pain. Pretty cool. He has such a
strong testimony now. He came to church with us this sunday and after the
meeting he asked the bishop if he could share his testimony one day in
sacrament meeting. The bishop of couse said yes and explained to him fast and
testimony meeting. Pretty cool though that he is already wanting to share his
testimony in sacrament meeting after only his first time at church. He really
has been prepared to recieve this gospel. He told us the story of how he first
came into contact with a missionary. He was in a plaza in a city near hear and
a missionary startied talking to him. Lucas told him that he had cancer and in
response the missionary gave him a "brazo sincero" sincere hug, and
whispered in his ear that God loves him and will help him through his trails. A
year later, a week before I got to the mission, my old companion knocked on his
door. Lucas remembered the missionry from the plaza and recognized my companion
as a missionary from the same chruch. And for that reason he let him in and
started taking the lessons. Pretty cool story I think. Lucas has definitely
helped stregthen my testimony that the Lord prepares people for us to teach and
will lead us to them if we listen. We don´t have a baptisimal date for him yet
because he has to get married first which he´s trying to do soon. His wife
isn´t to interested in the church yet but his two daughters are. They´re going
to start taking the lessons with him this week.
Email November 23, 2015
Email November 23,
2015 – Elder Kenneth Wm. Burton
Bunch of Burtons
at a loss for words. Right now I'm just trying not to go into shock that I'm on
to the last week. Seven days.
"I am like a
man on a sea voyage nearing his destination. When I embarked I worried about
having a cabin with a porthole, whether I should be asked to sit at the
captain's table, who were the more attractive and important passengers. All
such considerations become pointless when I shall soon be disembarking."
-Ian Hunter
Time is so
interesting. I found a quote from Neal A. Maxwell that I really like, he said,
"let us make allowance for the rapidity with which time seems to pass,
especially when we are happy. Jacob found it so: 'And Jacob served seven years
for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days. for the love he had for
her.'(Gen. 29:20)"
These last two
years have flown by. Until now I never really tied that to the love I have for
the Lord. In my time here I've come to learn what Jacob did. That that which
you give your heart to, you come to love. And that which you come to love you
give your heart to.
To throw in another
quote, "Love is the most costly of commodities. The more your willing to
pay, the more valuable the price. The question is, are you willing to pay the
price?" -Johnny Lingo
When I left on my
mission two years seemed like quite a gift. Now my only desire is to give more.
I wish to dedicate my life to the Lord. It is him who has given it to me. It is
him who has been teaching me and guiding me. It is him who has blessed me and
surrounded me with so many incredible people that have helped me to change and
become a bit more like Christ. And it is him that strengthens me that I may be
able to learn the lessons I'm being taught.
I do not know where
the Lord will take me in the future. But I look forward with hope. With an
excitement to see what will come. My mission is incredible, and I would not
trade it for anything. I would also not trade anything for the blessings that
will come with the future.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Email November 16, 2015
Email November 16,
2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
Here comes the heat
First off...HAPPY
ANIVARSARY MOM AND DAD!! Hope you guys have an awesome day, thanks for
everything you do for me and the family. I am so very blessed. Also happy
birthday to Clay Bingham, I´m pretty sure his birthday is today too...if not,
oh well haha.
This week has been
great, it really strengthened my testimony that God is preparing people for us
to find and he guides us to those that he has prepared. We found 4 new
investigatores this week which is great. That´s the most I´ve had in one week
my whole mission so far. We´re pretty happy about that. Two weeks ago we had a
gira misional where a member of the 70 spoke and taught us. He spoke a lot on
the inportance of always trying to find new investigatores because with out
them we can´t have and progressing investigators or bauptisms. So this week my
comp and I focused a lot on trying to find new people to teach and it payed
off. I remember in the MTC my whole district always had this question of how to
know if a thought or feeling was from the spirit or just from ourselves. To
answer our question our teacher showed us a segment form a talk of Elder
Bednar. In the talk he expained that we don´t need to worry about where it
comes from. The scriptures teach us that all good things come from God. So if
it´s a a thought or feeling to be better or work harder it comes from the
spirit and you should act on it. He also explained that if we are being
obediant and living the way we should then the spirit will guide us in the
right way without us even realizing it or thinking that we´re acting on a
prompting. I definitly think this is true. Many times this week we just
happened to be right where we needed to be right when we needed to be there.
And now we have 4 new investigatores to teach because of it. The spirit guides
us to where we need to be. We just have to live right and be worthy of his
guidance. I know this is true.
It´s really
starting to heat up here in argentina. And rain, we have awesome rain storms
here. Makes for lots of humidity though wich just makes the heat better. Maria
was sick this week so she couln´t meet with us at all. We had a appoinment to
give her a blessing but when we showed up she wasnt home. We have another with
her tonight, we´ll see how it goes.
I hope everyone is
doing well. Have a great week! Love you all.
Les quiero, Elder
Email November 16, 2015
Email November 16,
2015 – Elder Kenneth William Burton
Bunch of Burtons
Well time flies.
Feels like just yesterday I was sitting here sending an email home. Where did
the week go?
I want to say, I'm
grateful for the opportunity I had to extend. The Lord has been blessing me
with so many opportunities to do good, and at the same time I've been learning
so much.
The Lord qualifies
the called. He lifts us up to more than we could be on our own, to the blessing
of those around us.
We found a new
investigator through our friend Martin this week. We showed up to our
appointment with him and he immediately cut us off saying he wanted to
introduce us to his friend. He then lead us a few blocks away to a laundromat
where we met Kyle. Turns out a while back he had been given a Book of Mormon by
some missionaries who had used the laundromat, and he kept it on a shelf with
all the magazines and things that customers could read. He told us about a
woman who would come in every week and read 15 to 20 pages from the Book of
Mormon and leave a book mark for the next time she was there. Then one day she
came again and found it had been taken out by another customer. Talk about
flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon. Who would have expected a bunch of
laundromat customers to be spending so much time reading it. We gave him
another book which he put on the same shelf and promised that he would begin reading it himself. He also knows one
of the members fairly well and would like to come visit the church some time.
We have an appointment with him and Martin on Tuesday.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Email November 9, 2015
Email November 9,
2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
First week as
This week has been
awesome! It´s been hard and way different than past weeks but it has been
awesome. My new companion who I will be training for the next 3 months is Elder
Barrantes from Lima, Peru. He´s 25 years old which is kinda cool and he´s only
been a member of the church for 3 years. He is the only living member of the
church in his family too. Pretty cool
that he´s out on a mission with only three years of membership. He´s an awesome
missionary, tons of energy and love for the work. He has absolutley no fear of
talking to people which is awesome and we´ve made more street contacts this
week then I ever have before cause my old comp didn´t like contacting much. So
yeah, Elder Barrantes is great, his excitment and energy will be fun to work
with and I know I´ll learn a ton from him. He speaks a little bit of english
but not much which is good. It´s helped my spanish a ton. I have definitly felt
the lords help with my spanish this week. There are still a ton of things that
I don´t understand, but I understand what I need to and I can say pretty much
what I want.
Email November 9, 2015
Email November 9,
2015 – Elder Kenneth William Burton
Bunch of Burtons
I love it when you
get to the beginning of a new week and just feel ready. No idea what it will
bring, but you feel happy with the way things are going and look to the future
with hope. Isn't the gospel great!
The scripture I'm
ponderizing this week is Moroni 10:32 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be
perfected in him, and deny yourselves all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny
yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and
strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be
perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can
in nowise deny the power of God."
My purpose has been
on my mind recently. "To invite others to come unto Christ by helping them
receive the restored gospel through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his
atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and
enduring to the end." To invite others to come unto Christ.
I believe its the
same purpose everywhere. As a missionary. As a district leader. Sister training
leader. Zone leader. Assistant. President. Bishop. Primary teacher. Deacons
quorum councilor. Parent. Child. There are many things outside of our control,
all we can do is come unto Christ and invite those around us to do the same.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Email November 2, 2015
Email November 2,
2015 – Elder Isaac Kenneth Burton
Great week here in
Rafael Castillo Central! On tuesday I had intercambios in another area and when
I came back my comp told me that the lesson he had had with our investigator
Maria went super well. She decided that she didn´t care anymore about what her
daughter thought of her being baptised and she decided that she wanted to be
baptized on the 7th of November which is this upcoming saturday! We had the
baptizmal interview last wednesday and the zone leaders decided that she needs
to strengthen her testimony of the book of mormon before she gets baptized
though. SO thats what we´ve been working on with her. We are going to have
another interview this wednesday and if all goes well then she can still be
baptized this satuday. We´re hoping and praying that all goes well, she wants
this so bad. We´ll see how things go.
Email November 2, 2015
Email November 2,
2015 – Elder Kenneth William Burton
Happy Halloween!
Bunch of Burtons
Halloween isn't
huge in Denmark, there are a few that celebrate it though. Rafael invited us
over and we carved pumpkins with a friend of his who was visiting from
This last weekend
was... interesting. I don't know quite what it was, maybe just the overall
Halloween feel. Not necessarily that I had forgotten, but it hit me more this
last week that there is an adversary out there who indeed does want us to be
miserable like unto himself. And it is essential that we rely upon and trust in
the Savior Jesus Christ that we might be able to overcome the temptations and
resist the fiery darts being thrown at us. I received a new perspective of what
it means to use the atonement in ones life. It is a gift to help us overcome
weakness, as well as a protection from outside forces.
There is opposition
in all things..... I'm grateful for that knowledge, and the knowledge of good
and evil that I can choose the good.
I find the Holy
Ghost prompts everything that leadeth to good. This change of perspective has
helped me find a stronger desire to do specific things that help me act in
faith when tempted.
There was a day
recently when I had irrational fears come over me of talking with people on the
street. I couldn't do it. All of a sudden excuses were filling my mind for why
I shouldn't stop the person coming my way. But I've found certain things that
help bring the spirit in times of temptation, that help me move forward with faith.
Such as prayer, reciting a scripture or singing a hymn, expressing gratitude or
love for the Lord and those around me, turning to others rather than looking
inward on myself, writing down my thoughts and feelings, and acting immediately
on the things I know to be promptings from the Spirit. Each of these is
something that has brought my mind back to Christ in a time of fear or
temptation. And now I'm back to talking with everyone I can.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
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